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Each Living Christ’s Aloha

We are constantly listening and responding to the needs of the community. With our God-given talents we can each live out Christ’s Aloha together.

Our Mission

Our Mission Is Simple. We want to make a difference.
  • Keiki Story
  • Catechism
  • Adult Studies
  • Lectio Divina

Christ lutheran church

Outreach & Evangelism
  • Institute for Human Services
  • God’s Work Our Hands
  • Greeting New Members
  • ​Aloha Agape Community Garden
Living Christ's Aloha
  • Attending to the Mysteries of Faith
  • Tending Creation
  • Caring for Congregation
  • Caring for Each Other

Each Living Christ's Aloha

Donate Today

At Christ Lutheran Church we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world. But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now. 

Our Ministries

To develop our miOurOurnistries, we identified the key areas where there’s the most need. Our ministries rely on active participation from our partners, supporters.
  • Contemplative
  • Contemporary/Traditional
  • Advent, Christmas
  • Lent, Easter